Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dummy's Guide to Legal Drugs

In the Hedonistic States of America, pleasure is the cornerstone of the power structure.

Let's take a survey of commonly used drugs:
Before you start reading, keep these facts in mind.
1. You are able to think, perceive, feel, love, hate, and move because of neurons (nerve cells).
These cells transmit information through the flow of electrochemical potentials (similar to a battery).
2. Receptors are chemical locks on the membranes (outside) of neurons. They are usually found in the tiny synaptic spaces between neurons.
3. The natural keys for your receptors are chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin, dopamine, adrenalin, anandamide, endorphins, oxytocin, etc. The chemical structure of many drugs resembles the natural keys already in your brain- partially explaining their psychoactivity (mind alteration).
4. Drugs cause changes to your perception by altering the chemistry in your neurons.
5. A study of drug history reveals every culture since the beginning of written history has used drugs to alter their consciousness.

Three of the most profitable brand names on the planet: Budweiser (alcohol), Marlboro (tobacco), and Coca Cola (caffeine). All legal drugs...very interesting...Let's delve deeper!

Alcohol (CH3CH2OH): Sitting on High Street near The Ohio Street University in Columbus Ohio, I watch as beer delivery trucks drop their diluted ethyl alcohol products at each watering hole: Zigs (otherwise known as 4 Kegs), Out or In, Larry's, Scarlet and Grey, etc. A Buckeye is hardpressed to stay sober in this alcohol-saturated environment. And why would you want to be sober anyway? Then you would have to come to grips with all the other drunk fuckers driving around town, hittin cars and zooming away. Just last night on my porch I saw two hit and runners, both of whom went out of sight before I could catch the plates. I've three marks on my green Corolla from drunk drivers. My friend Ashley Hach's life was ended by a drunk driver going the wrong way on the freeway. 100,000 People die every year in the United States because of Alcohol. At least 50% of all violent crime and all automobile accidents are due to alcohol! Yet laws still allow places to serve huge gallons of overpriced alcohol to the general public. Laws still permit semi drunk people to drink around, even with the disasterous consequences. Did you know: ethyl alcohol = ethanol = alcohol. Check the label on your hand sanitizer. It says ethyl alcohol, probably about 62%. 151 Proof Rum is 76% alcohol. Wine is around 10% alcohol. And 73.3% of Americans have used alcohol in the past week.
Legal because it gives tons of profits to big companies. Legal because it has been used by humanity since we ate fermented berries. Legal because it gives the cops something to do- violating your Constitutional right to privacy under the guise of protection. It is legal because it legitmizes state interference in your personal life. It is legal because it is a Trojan Horse from the political powers- here you can get fucked up and buy our friend's drinks, and then we'll have the police we buy to escort you to the jail we built, when you drive the cars we sold you. It is legal because it annihilates your mind-powers- a great boon for the people in charge, because indepedent thinking could lead to change. Alcohol agonizes Gamma Amino Butyric Acid receptors, like Xanax, Valium, Rohpoynol (known on the street at roofies), GHB (known as G). The Media warns us about illegal date rape drugs, but over 60% of all rapes occur under alcohol's influence. We have literal date rape implementation locations, which are today called bars. Millions of Americans get drunk to forget their inhibitions- to wrap their car around a tree, to beat their wife, abuse 10 year olds, or to rape a passed out person. Needless to say, alcohol is a GREAT TIME! Goodbye conscience, hello stuttering stumbler. And let's not even touch Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Moral: The only legal drug to get shitcanned- systemically shutting your brain down with hand sanitizer. Alcohol will temporarily relieve you of your anxiety, and your sanity.

Caffeine C8H10N4O2: Starbucks knows the business of keeping people alert and happy. Their employees are treated well, as this drug company knows well the complex details of business systems. Across America, Starbucks and Subway, the double S's are applying the same Midan formula: Start franchises in every available real estate space, especially in cities/suburbs/at rural exits. Make sure the signs are visible from the road. Provide a quality perishable product at a pseudo-reasonable price, one that will keep people coming back for conveinence and experience. Caffeine, classified as a methylxanthine, blocks (sleep-causing) adenosine receptors and therefore causes bodily stimulation. Many dissertations/TPS reports/term papers/leases have been written under the influence of coffee. A cup of Joe and a peppermint does wonders for sleepyheads.
Moral: A benign stimulant- likely the most used drug in the world.

Nicotine (C10H14N2): Present in tobacco leaves, the carcinogenic (that's cancer-causing, folks) deadliest drug in human history, it has killed over a billion humans. Billions more humans rely on tobacco cigarettes daily for their dirty cancer-stick cookies- which are sophistocated drug delivery devices containing crack nicotine. Tobacco kills 400,000 Americans a year, 4 times as many Americans as alcohol. Yet they are still legal and accepted, and Marlboro and Budweiser are two of the most profitable brand names on the planet. 80-90% of all schizophrenics smoke cigarettes. Nicotine is a potent neurotoxin (kills brain cells), and is included in many insecticides. Two drops of pure nicotine kills a human. Nicotine preys on the same pleasure pathways as heroin and cocaine, and is just as addictive.
Moral: Over a billion smokers can't be wrong.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): The Chemical formula for nitrous oxide is N2O. Compare to Water's which is H2O. N2O is also known as laughing gas, dinitrogen oxide, whippets, or hippie crack (for the people who spend their whole day high on nitrous). It's psychoactive effects have been known for 200 years. It is used commercially as a dental pain-killer, a power-booster for engines, and a whipped cream propellant (because it dissolves into fat and tastes sweet). It is approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption. Each nitrous oxide molecule is 2 Nitrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Compare that to water (H2O), which is 2 Hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The air we breathe is 70% Nitrogen, and 22% Oxygen- these are the two elements you ingest with nitrous oxide.
Moral: Two ways you can actually hurt yourself using N2O:
1) Falling while under the influence
2) Not breathing air with N2O

3) Inhaling it straight from a metal nozzle or cracker, because the rapid gas expansion can freeze your lips or fingers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most prevalent and easily avoidable type of cancer is the one caused by the use of tobacco. This includes the use of cigarettes, cigars and pipes. Even though smokers are addicted to nicotine, the fact that 200,000 people die every year due to smoking caused cancer should be enough motivation to quit. Some experts say that cessation of smoking can increase lifespan by up to 20 years.

12:59 AM  

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